This bulletin is being sent to school district administrators, private school administration representatives, and tribal school contacts. Local health officers and tribal health directors are courtesy copied for awareness.
Enrollment continues for K-12 COVID-19 Testing in schools
At-home tests, community testing sites available
The new school year has begun and brought with it new opportunities to offer COVID-19 tests for your school’s staff and students.
Enrollment for DHS’ K-12 COVID-19 Testing Program is still open for public school districts and private, independent schools. The form can be found online here.
Information about the 2022-2023 program can be found on the DHS website.
At-home tests available for K-12 schools
DHS is also offering at-home COVID-19 antigen tests for schools to distribute to students and staff. Districts and private, independent schools can place an initial order through the DHS website.
Districts/schools will be notified as additional supplies become available and subsequent orders may be placed.
Updated guidance from DHS allows at-home tests to be used in certain public health decisions, including “determining if someone has COVID-19 for the purposes of returning to work or school.” A confirmatory PCR test may be required in certain scenarios.
DHS offers community testing sites, free COVID-19 self-tests
There are many ways to get a COVID-19 test in Wisconsin.
DHS offers a map of community testing sites. This map is updated daily. Click on the purple dot for specific information for each testing site, including day(s) of operation, hours, and contact information.
Community testing site information changes frequently. Each site may have different requirements. Check with the testing site location for clarification.
On Sept. 1, DHS launched an online portal for Wisconsinites to order free at-home rapid COVID-19 tests directly to their homes. Orders can now be placed on the Say Yes to COVID Test webpage. Initial supplies allow for one package of tests to be ordered per address. Each package includes a total of five tests.
COVID Connect 2 training
DHS has transitioned to COVID Connect 2, an online software system for registering for COVID-19 tests and providing test results. The updated system allows for one-time patient registration/account set-up and simplifies testing and results reporting processes.
Schools enrolled in the K-12 COVID-19 Testing Program should receive training from their assigned vendor, if needed. In addition, communication resources are available to schools to share information on school websites or in school newsletters. Please contact your assigned vendor for templates.
CDC Updates COVID-19 Guidance for Community, School, and Early Childhood Education Settings
On Aug.11, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it is streamlining its COVID-19 guidance to help people better understand their risk; how to protect themselves and others; what actions to take if exposed to COVID-19; and what actions to take if they are sick or test positive for the virus. DHS encourages schools to follow the guidance.
Additional information can be found on this DHS webpage.