MOC Accreditation Programs

There are MOC accreditation programs for all specialties regarding adult medicine, but pediatric programs are fewer in number and sometimes lack meaningful content. In the last three years, WIAAP has shifted focus to include more MOC programming, which requires a significant amount of research, planning, development, and resources prior to implementation. WIAAP has successfully implemented five Maintenance of Certification programs.

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In 2017, WIAAP offered its first MOC Part II program at the Mental Health in the Pediatric Medical Home conference. The event was designed to bring pediatric professionals together with specialists in several mental health fields to help improve early diagnosis. Topics included infant mental health, trauma-informed care, the autism spectrum; MOC II was awarded for a session surrounding anxiety, depression, ADHD, and early diagnosis and treatment of mental health. The conference was designed to increase provider capacity to support the mental and behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and their families.


WIAAP secured two grants in 2020 to stand up multi-state learning collaboratives around quality improvement, with MOC Part IV and CME accreditation:

  • ASHEW (Addressing Social Health and Early Childhood Wellness)
  • Lead Screening (Project ECHO model)

These grants help create a collaborative virtual learning environment with expert physician-guided education.

Supporting MOC Programs

WIAAP proudly serves on the planning committee for the upcoming Pediatric Mental Health in Primary Care conference offering CME in the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) Maintenance of Certification program. The purpose of this conference is to provide education and support to primary care providers in addressing the mental health care needs of children and adolescents.

This activity is designed for physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Psychologists, and Allied Health Care Professionals. Our learning objective is to increase clinicians’ capacity to recognize and treat mental and behavioral health needs of children and adolescents in their care.

For more information on the event, please visit the Medical College of Wisconsin event listing.

Past WIAAP support for MOC accreditation programs also includes the 2017/2018/2019 initiatives around HPV Vaccination Rate Improvements (Education tools to reach parents and caregivers), as well as our annual Open Forums. In 2020, we launched two MOC Part IV/CME learning collaboratives around social determinants of health and early childhood lead screening.

A Call for Support

WIAAP is able to support, develop, and implement MOC programs based on membership and additional funding. A large, diverse membership base allows us to create additional programs that are both meaningful and beneficial to participants and to the pediatric profession. If you are interested in joining WIAAP to help our MOC initiatives or to participate in our programs, visit our Become a Member page.

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