Quality Improvement Links
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – The commitment to quality improvement is implicit in the Academy mission of promoting the health and well-being of all children via the AAP Quality Agenda. The AAP defines quality improvement (QI) projects in general as activities intended to evaluate an existing practice and attempt to improve it based upon existing knowledge.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – The AAP provides a number of options to meet Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements, as defined and monitored by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP). AAP provides educational activities approved for MOC Part 2 and Part 4 credits, or can help you connect with colleagues to meet MOC requirements through the AAP MOC Portfolio Program.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Comprehensive QI Toolkit for Developmental Screening – Read guidelines on how to Implement a MOC Part 4 QI Project on Developmental Surveillance and Screening. A comprehensive quality improvement toolkit is available to assist practices and other organizations interested in implementing a similar quality improvement / Maintenance of Certification project in their state. All resources are free and available for customization.
Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality – WCHQ publicly reports and brings meaning to performance measurement information that improves the quality and affordability of healthcare in Wisconsin, in turn improving the health of individuals and communities.
Children’s Hospital Association: Quality Improvement – Children’s hospitals are committed to providing safe, effective, timely and equitable care for children through child and family-centered care. They lead the nation in providing pediatric hospital and specialty care, educating pediatric physicians and health professionals, implementing clinical information technology, researching new technologies and developing patient care practices.