We would like to let you know that modifications to the newborn screening procedure for extended hospital stays will become effective on September 2, 2019. The details of the resolution passed unanimously at the Newborn Screening Umbrella Committee meeting on May 3, 2019 are described below.
“The current neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) newborn screening procedure is modified so that newborns with a birthweight of 2000 grams or more, or 34 weeks gestational age or more, end repeated newborn screens by one month of age or at discharge, whichever comes first; AND newborns with a birthweight of less than 2000 grams or 34 weeks gestational age end repeatednewborn screens by three months of age or at discharge, whichever comes first.”
Full details are posted here.
We greatly appreciate your assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact one of us if you have any questions regarding this notification.
Mei Baker, MD
Co-Director, Newborn Screening Laboratory Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
Gary Kirk, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer
Bureau of Community Health Promotion Division of Public Health