The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) seeks to improve the quality of care for newborns and infants prenatally exposed to opioids and their mothers.

In support of this aim, the AAP and our partners at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) are conducting a focus group discussion and one-on-one interviews with pediatric primary care providers to gather insights into challenges and opportunities related to screening, care, and treatment options for this patient population.

We are recruiting pediatric primary care providers who:

  • Have minimal experience caring for patients prenatally exposed to opioids – for the focus group.
  • Have extensive experience caring for patients prenatally exposed to opioids – for one-one-one interview.
  • Want to gain knowledge and skills related to maternal opioid use and clinical care and outcomes for pediatric patients prenatally exposed to opioids.
  • Want to give back to the pediatric care community.

Do you fit one or more of these criteria? If so, we need your help!

Focus Group Date: June 25th Time: 12 pm – 1:30 pm ET (approximately 90 minutes)
*Note: minimal experience needed with the patient population

Interview Date: June 26th Time: 12 – 1 pm ET or 2 – 3 pm ET (approximately 60 minutes) *Note: extensive experience needed with the patient population

Location: Virtual using Zoom, a video conferencing platform. Please register by completing a brief survey (click here).

You will receive a $25 gift card for your participation.

Should you have any questions, please reach out to Jana Scoville at / 404-388-4200.


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