WIAAP works to keep you informed of the latest in pediatric news. Among our regularly featured updates, check back here for the latest articles on breaking clinical news, legislative appeals and Day of Action notifications, and member articles.
DHS policy change on confirmatory PCR tests
COVID-19 Resources DHS now recommends, but no longer requires, confirmatory lab-based/PCR tests in symptomatic persons with a negative point-of-care test result or asymptomatic persons with a positive point-of-care test result. The official memo on this... READ MORE
DHS Supports FDA Authorization, CDC Recommendation for COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose
COVID-19 Resources The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) supports the recommendation that anyone 18 and older receive a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least six months after having received their second... READ MORE
COVID-19 Guidance for Operating Early Care and Education/Child Care
COVID-19 Resources Updates as of November 10, 2021 Updated to recommend universal indoor masking in ECE programs for everyone ages 2 and older, and other strategies to prevent spread of COVID-19, regardless of... READ MORE
Outbreak testing available for schools
COVID-19 Resources Outbreaks of COVID-19 in schools can occur but, according to the CDC, multiple studies have found that transmission of COVID-19 in schools is typically lower than, or similar to, the levels... READ MORE
American Academy of Pediatrics Applauds CDC Advisory Committee’s Approval of Safe, Effective COVID-19 Vaccine for Children Ages 5-11
COVID-19 Resources Pediatricians are eager to help protect children and families by administering the vaccine, the most effective prevention tool available since the start of the pandemic ITASCA, IL—The American Academy of Pediatrics... READ MORE
Children’s Wisconsin, UW Health Kids and the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics call on the community to help keep kids safe and in school
Children’s Wisconsin, UW Health Kids and the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics are making a plea to Wisconsin communities: Keep kids safe and keep schools open. Click Here to download letter.... READ MORE
New PediaLink Course: Bright Futures – Building Positive Parenting Skills Across Ages
The American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures National Center is excited to announce the launch of a new PediaLink course titled, Bright Futures - Building Positive Parenting Skills Across Ages. Provides residents, nurse trainees, and... READ MORE
AAP Anxiety and Depression ECHO
In partnership with the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth and Family Mental Health (NTTAC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will host a Project ECHO learning collaborative on anxiety and... READ MORE
COVID vaccine: Co-administer with other vaccines
COVID-19 Resources Thank you for all you have done during the COVID-19 pandemic to test, vaccinate, and advocate for children and families. Childhood vaccinations have fallen behind during the pandemic. As we work... READ MORE
Katie Beckett Medicaid Helps Children with Disabilities Access Needed Services
Katie Beckett Medicaid provides access to Wisconsin Medicaid services for children with disabilities, mental illness, or complex medical needs. Katie Beckett helps some children whose parents have too high of an income for Medicaid,... READ MORE
American Academy of Pediatrics Updates Recommendations for Opening Schools in Fall 2021
COVID-19 Resources In updated guidance for the 2021-22 school year, the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends in-person learning and urges all who are eligible to be vaccinated to protect against COVID-19. In addition to vaccinations, the AAP recommends a layered approach to make school safe... READ MORE
Youth Tobacco Cessation: Considerations for Clinicians
The AAP has created a brief, practical guide designed to support pediatricians and other pediatric health clinicians in screening patients for tobacco use and providing behavioral and pharmacological support to help youth quit. The resource uses... READ MORE
DHS Now Tracking SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern B.1.617.2, the Delta Variant
COVID-19 Resources With the addition of new variant of concern, DHS urges vaccination to combat COVID-19 Today, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services released new information about the newest variant of concern(link is external),... READ MORE
American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Tips to Prevent Sunburn
Warm, sunny days are wonderful. It's good for children and adults to spend time playing and exercising outdoors, and it's important to do so safely. While many families rely on sunscreen as their go-to... READ MORE
Face Masks
COVID-19 Resources The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly endorses the use of safe and effective infection control procedures to protect children and adolescents. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, effective infection... READ MORE
COVID-19 and Trauma Informed Care Collective Trauma 101
Learn from a panel of experts what collective trauma is, how the trauma of COVID-19 has impacted children, how to recognize signs of this impact, when someone should seek professional help,... READ MORE
Developmental Surveillance and Screening Patient Care Page on AAP.org
The AAP launched a new web page on AAP.org focused on developmental surveillance and screening based on recommendations from the AAP clinical report, “Promoting Optimal Development: Identifying Infants and Young Children with Developmental Disabilities Through... READ MORE
Wisconsin EMSC launches Pilot for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
When sending children to school, the topic of safety is always a priority. When a medical emergency arises, especially for children and youth with special health care needs, immediate and age-appropriate care is necessary for... READ MORE
Pediatric Readiness: Every Child, Every Day
Pediatric Readiness: Every Child, Every Day Wednesday, May 19, at 2 pm ET This webinar—featuring remarks from Michael Warren, MD, MPH, FAAP, Associate Administrator, Maternal and Child Health, Health Resources and Services Administration—will provide an overview of... READ MORE
Needs Assessment for Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Increase Vaccination Uptake
The Supporting Pediatric healthcare Providers to Increase Vaccination Uptake project funded nine chapters for the purpose to build capacity to ensure high immunization coverage levels for vaccine preventable diseases. This project developed the AAP Supporting... READ MORE
Forecasted Funding Opportunities in Adolescent Health
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Adolescent Health Program will be announcing five separate funding opportunities this spring/summer for the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program (SRAE), and Rape... READ MORE
DHS Transitions to VaccineFinder
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) will begin using VaccineFinder to help people more easily locate available vaccine providers who are open to the public. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched... READ MORE
Update to the Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program Manual
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has updated the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Manual with changes to stay current with evolving state policy. Changes include but are not limited to: Requirements and processes... READ MORE
Everyone 16 and Older Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine Starting April 5
On Tuesday, Gov. Tony Evers and DHS announced everyone age 16 and over will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine starting April 5, 2021. Wisconsin currently leads the nation in being one of the most... READ MORE
Diagnosed Conditions and Atypical Development Guidance for Wisconsin’s Birth to 3 Program
A correction has been made to the Diagnosed Conditions and Atypical Development Guidance for Wisconsin's Birth to 3 Program, P-00893. Very low birth weight is now defined as 1,500 g or 3.31 lbs. This correction... READ MORE
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